Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Defining the Essential Question

1) What is your EQ?

What is most important for success as a Biomedical Engineer?

2) Define the words in your EQ to make sure we are on the same page regarding what your EQ means.

Most Important: The different things that an individual must do in order to become a biomed as well as what he/she must do to always improve and be the most efficient. For example, schooling, training, research, and certain mentality, etc.

Success: I see success as something that gives you a sense of fulfillment. Like being the most helpful to the community, contributing to a new idea, constantly improving to be the best, and also having a career and being proficient enough at it to have a stable lifestyle.

Biomedical Engineer: There are different fields within biomedical engineering. I will most likely be focusing a lot on the BME technicians within a hospital due to that being my service learning and the availability of sources.

3) What are some possible answers to your EQ?

You must apply yourself in school and your career in order to remain up to date with new technology.

You should become BME certified which will allow for many opportunities to arise.

As a BME, constantly talk to other BME's and vendors, staying informed in different technologies and to remain efficient in how you do your job.

4)What has been your most important source and why? Be specific. If it is a person, name them and what they do, if it is an article, book or video, name the title and author.

 My most important source has been Francis Yonzon, a Biomed Engineer at Chino Valley Medical Center. He was my first interview and was able to explain things from experience. I didn't know much about BME technicians and it was a new field to me. After meeting with him, I think that I am a little more prepared for what to expect as I research more and what to expect during my service learning.

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