Monday, September 26, 2011

Presentation Reflection

1.  In what way did the first interview affect your presentation?  Please explain, be specific and use an example.

My interview affected my presentation because a majority of my presentation was from my interview. I did not use every detail but I mentioned some of the more important things. The information about the different fields within a specialized BioMed field was from my interview.

2.  What you say stood out about your presentation performance and why?

I think what stood out may be that I pointed out how vast BioMedical Engineering is and the reason I want to do it as my senior project.

3.  What was the most challenging to do and why?

Getting my interview. Everyone is always busy and moving between hospitals so it is hard to get ahold of somebody that is willing to give me the time for an interview.

Monday, September 19, 2011

5 Minute Senior Presentation Outline

Objective: I will be introducing some of the different fields of Biomedical Engineering as well as some of the different fields within the fields.

1) I will introduce my topic by asking if anyone knows what BME is.
2) Will then introduce what BME consists of by going over some of the different areas of profession.
3) Will explain how the different areas of BME have their own fields.
4) Will share some more general knowledge about BME such as certification and schooling.
5) Conclude by explaining my goals of my senior project.

Check For Understanding: In Procedure, Step 1.

Resources/ Materials: I will be bringing my lesson plan as well as magazines that my interviewee gave me to use as a resource.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Interview Check

I have interviewed Francis Yonzon, a Biomedical Engineer at Chino Valley Medical Center.

I have not established my first interview yet, however, I have contacted different places for my service learning and have contacted a hospital asking for an interview with the director. I will post up details later this week about who I will be interviewing as it is not definite at this moment.

In addition to the questions I am required to ask, I will also be asking the person I am interviewing,
1) What kinds of things should I be doing in order to be on my way to becoming a Biomedical Engineer?

2) How important are Biomedical Engineers to the medical field?

3) I want to get into something like Biomechanics, Bionics, or Cellular/Tissue/ Gentic Engineering. What do you recommend I do to get closer to being able to work in one of those fields?

4) I am taking some classes at Cal Poly Pomona and was wondering which kinds of classes will help me in Biomedical Engineering?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Topic: Bio-Medical Engineering

What is your topic?  Why? And what do you hope to accomplish after studying this topic all year?

My topic is Bio-Medical Engineering. I have decided to choose this topic because it is what I what to have a career in. I feel that it is interesting and can change the world as the profession progresses and expands. It is a medical field with many different branches and each branch has its own application in medicine. I want to study and research Bio-Medical Engineering and hopefully be able to decide on which area I want to specialize in for my career.